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Spring Reading From Nature's Whispers!

Before you read, please pick a card: Left, Middle or Right and do not waiver on your decision!

Can you believe today is the first day of Spring? I am giddy with excitement over here! I can not wait to get outside more and enjoy the warm sun on my face. In honor of nature changing and everything starting to bloom, I wanted to see where I should be focusing my intentions to let my inner sun shine.

...And I thought I would share this fun little reading with you as well!

I often like to shuffle my Nature's Whispers cards and ask the universe to guide me to pull the right card for what my needs are that day, month or season. Now I can understand how this may sound silly to some, but how can you ever go wrong with pulling out a positive message to focus your attention on? I'd say never!

Did you pick your card? Left, middle or right? Great! Here is your message. Enjoy!

Left Card: Empowerment

The moment for respect for life and all living things, attuning to nature and the creatures of the Earth is at hand. Tune into the deep well of compassion that spills over readily to anyone who needs your help. You are being directed to take action to remove difficulties and resolve problems. Be receptive to guidance from wherever it happens to come. Don't be surprised to receive support from unusual avenues. Be alert to seemingly random input, which will give you clues and ideas that had not occurred to you earlier. Once you have picked up these signs, pursue them diligently and with determination. The potential for them to pay off is immense. As soon as you know what action to take, take it.

Middle Card: Gratitude and Appreciation

Recognize the good qualities in others and openly share your gratitude with them. Write notes of thanks to those who have helped you. If someone deserves acknowledgment, take the time to let a superior or colleague know so that they receive the full recognition they deserve. Nature is continually sharing it's beauty for us to appreciate. It is important to generate the positive flow of thankfulness that can bring joy into someone else's life. By doing so you will not only decrease your stress, you will also generate the feeling of goodwill and love into your life.

Right Card: Be Your Best Self Always

Check in with yourself. How are you feeling in this very moment? Are you being the person you aspire to be? Remember that you determine how you feel. You are constantly choosing to feel the way you feel. It is understandable (we are all human) that you may not feel 100% all the time. You picked this card to help you remember to access the highest level of emotions now. Don't settle for less than you deserve. Do your utmost to achieve more, love more, and be your best.

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